Pen and paper

Pen and paper

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Extra credit assignment

For extra credit, if you want it.

Come up with an idea for our talk show, Table Talk With Gaston College.

Write an intro and a close for the host, plus come up with lists of questions for each guest.

Please list who the guests are and their contact information (must be REAL people willing to come on the show)

Show description: (a work in progress)
Get personal with Gaston students as they talk about everything important to them. From issues in their lives to what's going around on campus to current events, Table Talk is a comprehensive look into life at Gaston College: socially, academically and personally.  

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Remember: Drafts!

If you want me to look at drafts of project #1, please e-mail them to me!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Assignment recap...

Thursday--Blog entry current event of your choice.

Tuesday--Extra assignment to make up for snow day. Write a radio show. 2 pages. Any topic of your choice. You are on the radio--what do you want to talk about? Have fun with this, you can write about anything! I will give you time on Thursday's class to start working on it.

Thursday 2/18--Project #1 due. This is a news package. Use the example I handed out in class as your guide. You need to do interviews, pick your best sound and write a news story from it. Try to include a reporter stand-up. This is pretty much the same as the VO/SOT, just use more soundbites and make it a full story. Should be around 2 pages. I will look at drafts, so please send drafts to me if you would like some help.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

For next class..

Please do a blog entry on the current event topic of your choice.

Also, remember I will take a look at drafts of your projects if you like, so please send them to me if you want me to look at them.

Starting writing for radio on Tuesday!